Read more about the courses:

First Cycle/Bachelor/ Undergraduate Courses

US191F: English for Young Learners: Language Education I, 7.5 ECTS credits
This is a freestanding course suitable for students who intend to teach English at primary school level. The purpose of the course is to provide students with a theoretical and practical basis for communicative language teaching. The course addresses oral and written activities. The student will have the opportunity to develop the vocabulary relevant for the teaching profession, to give instructions and to describe and analyze common classroom activities in English.

US192F: English for Young Learners: Language Education II, 7.5 ECTS credits
The course is a freestanding course suitable for students who intend to teach English to young learners with a special focus on school years 4-6. The purpose of the course is to deepen the student’s knowledge of aspects of communicative language teaching and of assessment and grading of English proficiency. The course offers in-depth perspectives on primary year English language pedagogy and addresses oral and written activities.

Second Cycle/Master/Graduate Courses

US535F: Language Education - Theory, Method, Application, 7.5 ECTS credits
The course addresses theoretical and methodological perspectives in language education research. Results and pedagogical implications of empirical studies in language education are discussed and problematized. The focus is on learning and teaching foreign languages, as well as on language teacher and language learning cognitions about these issues.

For further information in English, please contact our international coordinator:

Read more about the application process:
How to apply - a step-by-step guide