If you want to secure your seat during our self-study hours, you can prebook through our Athena page. Please note that you have to be registered on our page in Athena to be able to book your seat. Please cancel your booked seat if you will not be able to come to campus.

How to book a computer seat



1. Log in to Athena with your university account and then go to Språkstudion's Athena page.


2. Go to "Plans". You can also click on the link "Datorplatser v. XX" below "Due later" in the right column.


3. Under the plan "Språkstudion", you will find the registrations link for the coming week.


4. Click on the green box "Register". Only you and Språkstudion's staff will be able to see your choice.


5. Choose one or more of the time slots and confirm your registration.


6. You have now successfully booked your computer seat. You can edit your choice until the week's Friday at 4pm.