At Språkstudion, we have a lot of experience of digital examinations in particular, and we always try to find ways to broaden and improve our range examination possibilities, in consultation with teachers, examiners and students. In what follows below, we present some examples of examinations that regularly take place at Språkstudion: classroom examinations, submissions and home exams and also signing of exercises and exercise time.
Classroom examinations
We have computer rooms, seminar rooms and individual study rooms that make it possible for us to customize the examination setting and what resources and aids the students should have access to in the classroom and/or on the computers.
In computer-based examinations, it is possible to limit internet access and access to various computer programs. You can also choose whether grammar and spell check should be activated or not. For audio recordings, you can choose if you want to record all students simultaneously or if the students should start their respective recordings by themselves.
We offer the possibility of covering and customizing individual seats for students who need extra peace and quiet. It is also possible to cover individual student places during Sign Language examinations. Smaller seminar rooms are available and can be reserved for students who need to sit alone or who need extra time for the examination. Aids such as dictation and recitation are always available.
Concerning the submission and collection of students' finished examination documents, you can choose whether students should submit their examinations themselves or if the staff at Språkstudion should collect the examinations to our servers and hand it over to the examination administrator. If the examination document is to be printed in connection to the examination, it is useful to know that our printer is placed outside of the classroom in order not to disturb the students.
We have working routines for anonymizing all kinds of examinations, including pronunciation examinations.
During written examinations, oral examinations without recordings, or during computer examinations for a small number of students, Språkparken is a suitable room. This room offers a spaceous and calm ambiance.
Examples of common classroom examinations at Språkstudion:
- Reading and pronunciation, audio recordings (Dutch, German, French)
- Listening comprehension via headset, responses written on paper (Swedish)
- Language proficiency, video recording controlled by student (Swedish Sign Language)
- Classroom vocabulary, audio recording and written examination without spellcheck (English for the classroom)
- Sociolinguistics, Exia examination service (Swedish, Teacher Education Programme)
- Communicative skills, individual examination with teacher (Swedish)
Please note: In order to be able to create the best possible conditions for the students taking the exam, we need to know about the preferred conditions for the examination in due time. Contact us with information on resources you need for the examination. Remember to reserve 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after the student exam time. Språkstudion needs this time to prepare and follow up in a professional way.
Exercises for submission and home examinations
Language students can study individually and in groups at Språkstudion. This means that teachers have the possibility to direct students to our resources in order to ensure good technical quality in audio, text and image. This is important from an equality and democracy point of view, and for your working environment as a teacher.
Students have, in addition to access to learning platforms and e-mail clients, the possibility to submit audio recordings directly through our language lab system DiLL. To do this, you as a teacher need to create submission tasks and decide during what time periods the tasks should be open for students. Submission of tasks through DiLL can facilitate your work as a teacher as regards format and administration. You can access and listen to your student's recordings online. However, there is no convenient way to give feedback to students online yet. This is a question we have raised with our lab system providers. We're hoping for an upgrade to the language lab system in the near future that includes a feedback function.
Examples of common submission tasks at Språkstudion:
- Film review (Italian)
- Pronunciation exercises (French)
- Programming exercises (Linguistics)
- Translation exercises (Swedish Sign Language, TÖI)
- BA Essays (Teacher Education Programme)
Signing exercises or practice time
Students can register what exercises they have completed in the user database at our front desk. Språkstudion's staff will sign what the students report that they have completed, but the staff will not monitor students during the exercises or tasks themselves. We will send a list of completed student exercises when teachers request it, for instance by the middle of the term in order to see the student group's progress, or by the end of the course in order to compile the results.
Examples of signings:
- Signing of number of exercises and dates (Japanese, German)
- Signing of time and date for exercise execution (Korean)
- Signing of result from diagnostic language test (German)
Examination practice in language subjects at Stockholm University
During the autumn of 2015, Språkstudion participated in a project where examination practices at Stockholm University were surveyed. This project was financed by Centrum för Universitetslärarutbildning. The project provided us with useful information, experiences and ideas for how to develop our means of examination for the language departments. The project report is available in Swedish. #